
Welcome to my blog , The Hare Illustratère. I'll be posting about my art process and journey as an illustrator/author here.


Saturday, October 19, 2013

Illustrator Intensive/Workshop/Day - Worth it?

Illustrator Intensives, Illustrator workshops or just plain Illustrator Day; by whatever name they go by,  are they worth it?

They all have basically the same format with a few variations:

• You get an illustration assignment from an Art Director (sometimes you can pick your AD sometimes you can't)

• You pick your assignment and do the sketch of the spread or whatever and e-mail it by the deadline. (time given varies)
Velveteen Rabbit story By Margery Williams.
Sketch for Scene where VR  first meets the wild rabbits.
Pencil Sketch © Diana Ting Delosh
• You get feedback from your AD (anywhere from a few words to paragraphs.)

• Using your feedback, you finish your art which you bring with you the day of the event.
The Velveteen Rabbit Meets the Wild Rabbits
Ink, Watercolor and Photoshop © Diana Ting Delosh 
• Depending on the specific format of your event, your work may be:

  1.  Reviewed in front of a group, along with everyone else's project. There is NO personal review or crit. You learn a lot from your fellow illustrators. You also get and inkling of your AD's tastes and their company preferences. I personally found this the least satisfying of the 3 formats.
  2. Reviewed in front of the group and the AD also gives a quick individual review and also views your portfolio. The best of both worlds. You learn from your colleagues and you get some valuable face time with the AD.
  3. Reviewed on an individual basis along with your portfolio. You really get a feel for whether the AD really likes your work or if you have a rapport with that person.
  4. Sometimes there is an Observer option. IE: you do not do the assignment but get to be the fly on the wall. While you may be perfectly happy that you didn't stress over an assignment - there maybe better ways to spend your time/money than being an invisible non-participant at an event. 

Needless to say, I would prefer to have Group AND Individual review. BUT if I could only pick Group OR Individual, I would always pick Individual.

So, Back to my original question are they worth it?

PRO: These events give you a  a chance to show your stuff, from sketch to final, to an AD and possibly make a good connection. Gone are the days of drop-offs and portfolio reviews and it's hard to stand out as 1 postcard amongst gazillion.


  1. They  can be costly. 
  2. Time consuming. Some of these events are 1 day of a weekend conference.
  3. Stressful. As a freelancer, no matter how well you planned, you may find it hard to give the assignment your all while in the midst of a killer deadline or 2.  I mean, Would you really turn down a gig because you signed-up to pay to do an assignment? Heck no, you need to take the gig so you can pay to do that assignment.

I have a few illustrator friends who swear by them. Personally, I can see their merits BUT I still wonder are they really really worth it.  Would I be better off working on my PB dummy and  signing up for an individual review with an AD?  I partook in 3 of these illustrator Days this year would I sign-up for another? Perhaps, if it was with an AD/publisher I was really interested in.

Friday, August 16, 2013

Fox Promo Postcard

Just sent out a batch of my latest postcard design. I actually had these printed up for me to hand out at the 2013 NJ SCBWI June Conference and at the 2013 July NY SCBWI Illustrator workshop* - so a few of you out there may be familiar with my Fox promo postcard already. This card features my current favorite ink and watercolor illustration. On the back I have a sample of my illustrated type something new that I've been exploring.

I chose the LARGE postcard size because the proportions of my illustration fit on the large card with very little cropping. As I was already splurging on the oversized postcard I decided to go cheap on the back and picked a line art image. I had ordered 250 Fox Promo cards, enough for handouts for both  events with enough leftover for my second mailing of 2013. I'm really happy with how the printing came out and the usual fast service at VistaPrint.com .
Front of postcard - Ink & watercolor © Diana Ting Delosh

Back of Postcard - hand inked decorative type © Diana Ting Delosh

Now that the Fox promo cards  have finally been sent out, I should start thinking of what will be on my next card. Better get cracking on new illos. Need a new darling - fast. Geez this promo thing never ends - just goes round and round.

*I've been meaning to write a blog post about my experiences at these two SCBWI events. I promise I'll get to it soon. Really.

Friday, July 12, 2013

The Happy Birthday Book & Three Blind Mice

I'm happy to belatedly announce that  2 e-book apps that I illustrated have been published by Farfaria

The Happy Birthday Book E-Book App written by Olivia Grey came out in April 2013. There are many ways to say happy birthday.  On each page of this book is a different country and how they say Happy birthday in that country. I chose to illustrate this book by picking a different animal to represent each country and wherever possible to show the special way that country celebrates birthdays. I was surprised to discover that some countries traditionally did not acknowledge individual birthdays but now have adopted many of our birthday customs.
The Happy Birthday Book
cover art
On page 4, for the country, China -  I chose to illustrate a Panda Bear standing in front of a bamboo forest, holding a plate piled high with the traditional chinese peach shaped birthday buns. The steamed buns are filled with sweet black bean paste - yum.
Page 4 - China
Three Blind Mice e-book app written by John W. Ivimey and illustrated by moi, Diana Ting Delosh was published by Farfaria in June 2013. Actually the art for this book was inked and watercolored in 2012, my Mother Goose year.
Three Blind Mice
book cover
 This is the complete tale of the Three Blind Mice, from the day they walk out of their front door on the search for adventure to the ill- fated meeting with the Farmer's wife and her kitchen knife and afterwards. Yes , there is a happy ending for the mice after all.

Friday, April 26, 2013

The Next Big Thing!

The Next Big Thing! Is a blog tour that gives authors and illustrators a chance to share their work, and then tag others to share theirs.  Each blogger answers the same ten questions. The tour started in Australia, and has spread worldwide.  I was ‘tagged’ by the wonderful illustrator, Nancy Donniger that I met through the CBIG.  Please check out her blog, http://www.donigerillustration.com/blog.  Her Next Big Thing! post is about her book, Lemonade: and Other Poems Squeezed from a Single Wordwritten by Bob Raczka that has recently come out in paperback. She painted the illustrations with black ink and wash accented with red watercolor wash.  At the end of this post, I will tag Children’s Book Illustrators/Writers: Ginger Nielson and Barbara DiLorenzo for your next stops on the tour.  And now, my answers to the ten questions!

1) What is the working title of your next book?
I am currently working on my picture book dummy, Robin.

2) Where did the idea come from for the book?

A few summers ago, my hubbie and I noticed a a robin fledgling with a hurt wing in our backyard. We watched it as it grew chubbier and hoped that the wing would heal naturally. After each summer storm we would look for the fledgling and usually we found it hopping and pecking underneath the azaleas. I was getting very attached to my baby bird. Unfortunately, towards the end of that summer we had a really nasty storm and the fledgling didn't make it. Cruel nature. My Robin story is my alternate ending to that summer.

3) What genre does your book fall under?
Fiction, picture book, animals.

4) What actors would you choose to play the part of your characters in a movie rendition?

Actors for Voices: Someone young, not bratty voice that embodies the curious, smart, optimistic nature of Robin.

5) What is the one-sentence synopsis of your book?

A young bird can't fly but figures out how to thrive and survive without flying south for the winter.

6) Who is publishing your book?

No one, yet. This is my current Work-in Progress, a story that I'm writing and illustrating. I am still working on the dummy art and tweaking the story. Currently the dummy consists of 2 finished illustrations and the rest are sketches. I'd like to have at least 2 more finished illustrations in it before it starts officially making the rounds.

7) How long did it take you to write and illustrate the first draft of the story?

Hard to say as it's been worked on between paying assignments and other projects - I'd say a few months - including incubation periods. My process involves switching between writing  and doodling, than revising and sketches etc. 

8) What other books would you compare this story to within your genre?

I googled picture books with disabled main characters and most seemed to be about people with disabilities.  Main characters that are different just seemed too broad a category. Then I came across my kid's favorite book as a child, Leo the Lop by Stephen Cosgrove illustrated by Robin James, about a rabbit with extra long ears.

9) Who or what inspired you to write this book?

The original Robin. I've got a soft spot for underdogs. Please see my answer to question #2

10) What else about the book project might pique the reader's interest?

I'm hoping my ink & watercolor illustrations.

Next stops on this tour are:

Ginger Nielson