
Welcome to my blog , The Hare Illustratère. I'll be posting about my art process and journey as an illustrator/author here.


Thursday, November 19, 2015

Flying Squirrel for Illustration Friday - Animal

Thought I'd share this illo I did with Brush pen, watercolors and digital for Illustration Friday. I mean how could I not do IF this week as the prompt is ANIMAL! So here you go: my Flying Squirrel gliding on a starry night.
Flying Squirrel by Diana Ting Delosh
ink & watercolor & digital
Just like this flying squirrel the weeks have been zooming by. I can't believe it's a week before Thanksgiving. Which means Christmas is right around the corner and 2015 might as well be over. Hold on there, there's still lots that can happen and things to do before the years up.  There's still lots to paint and experiment and create with. Not to mention the mess to clean up after all the experimenting and creating but later for all that. Right now I'm enjoying messing with my brush pen. It seems to have a lot of possibilities with it's ability to go from thick to thin in one stroke. So I'll try to be more like my gliding friend and enjoy the moment of being and doing.

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

#NerdyChickDraws Contest Winner

Nerdy Chick Draws
Ink & Watercolor
© Diana Ting Delosh

I'm Happy to announce that my entry for the #NerdyChickDraws illustration contest won Honorable mention! Woo Hoo! You can read the post and see the other winning entries over at NerdyChicksWrite

Click HERE to see all the other entries