
Welcome to my blog , The Hare Illustratère. I'll be posting about my art process and journey as an illustrator/author here.


Thursday, December 2, 2010

YAY - I completed PiBoIdMo!

Yay I'm a PiBoIdMo 2010 winner and I can proudly display my badge for all to see. I came up with 31 Picture book ideas in November. The last one came to me right before the stroke of midnight on November 30th - but it's still right in there. Now I have to admit it was a bit of touch and go where I wasn't sure if I'd hang in as November was an extremely hectic month for me. Which is why I'm so happy to announce that I tried it and completed the challenge!

Interestingly some of my picture book ideas are things I'd want to research and write about but may not want to illustrate myself and there are of course a few that are based on characters I've doodled or are spin offs of my latest PB dummy and manuscript. I'm also happy that I jotted them down on index cards as now I can sort them by type: fiction, concept, non-fiction and further categorize them by whether I want to illustrate them or just write the manuscript. Hopefully all of this sorting will help me decide which will be my next project.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!

Turkey or Bald Eagle?
© Diana Ting Delosh
Bic® Pen sketch

Here's some food for thought. Did you know that Benjamin Franklin wanted the wild turkey to be the national bird? Which would you have voted for: Turkey or Eagle?  Did you know that the magnificent Bald eagle was once considered vermin?

Wishing all a  gobbling good Happy Thanksgiving! 

Friday, November 19, 2010

Illustration Friday: SNEAKY!

Groundhog Escapes! 
© Diana Ting Delosh - ink & watercolor

Here's my illustrations for this week's Illustration Friday prompt - SNEAKY!

Groundhog A.K.A. Puxatawny Phil is Sneaking out his window while his friends are at his front door. SNEAKY Groundhog. Rather than hibernating this winter he's planning on vacationing somewhere tropical. Where do you think he's off to? Where would you go if you were a groundhog? Why does he have to sneak away from his friends?

Hmm - this sounds like an idea for PiBoIdMo (30 Picture book ideas in 30 days in November) - here's my #17 out of 30. To find out more about PiBoIdMo you can click on the PiBoIdMo Badge in the righthand column or read my previous post by clicking here.

FYI -  Groundhog Escapes is available as a Giclee Print, Groundhog's Day Card and a Note Card.

Friday, November 12, 2010

30 Picture Book Ideas in 30 Days!

Came across this neat exercise via twitter and Yup - I've signed up to do PiBoIdMo - which stands for Picture Book Idea Month. The concept is to come up with 30 PB ideas in 30 days during the month of November. I've decided to use portable, handy index cards. 1 idea per card. Small enough so I won't feel threatened but big enough to put more thoughts if needed. They can be filled out whenever/wherever my muse strikes.  Which I've discovered is not as easy to coax out. So what Have I discovered to date from this exercise.

• Nothing get's done no matter how small unless you make time for it.

• I need to be unplugged from my computer and all things E - clear my mind and be quiet. And only then will I get an inkling of any idea.

• It's not as easy as I thought it would be. I find that I'm flipping through my cards to make sure I'm not repeating myself.

• I seem to have an easier time with my concept ideas than pure fiction ideas. With the fiction I mostly just have a premise where with most of the concept ideas I have an actual beginning, middle and end.

• Some ideas are very promising and others are amazingly blah... but I'm not going to throw out any cards until after November 30th!

• It's a lot of fun putting down the ideas on index cards.

So far I'm on target with 12 ideas in 12 days. At anyrate I figure it'll put me in a good position to have a new book dummy for my CBIG Review 2011. Next year my goal is to have my dummy done in time without loosing any sleep over it!