
Welcome to my blog , The Hare Illustratère. I'll be posting about my art process and journey as an illustrator/author here.


Monday, February 8, 2016

Happy Year of the Monkey!

Monkey © Diana Ting Delosh - Ink, Brush pen, Watercolor
FYI: this illustration is available as a Year of the Monkey Card at GreetingCardUniverse.com/DianasCards
Wishing ALL a Happy, Creative and Prosperous 2016!

Every January I begin the year with my ambitions, dreams and goals and by the time Chinese New Year, February 8th,  comes around, it's time to re-boot the list. It's about a month into 2016 and I can see what's working, what isn't and what needs to be tweaked.

What's been working is making a realistic daily list BUT more importantly focusing in on what task on the list MUST be done before I go to sleep.  This actually has helped my chronic insomnia. So far so good.

Making a point to make more finished art has been good as it's helped me get to the point where it's almost as natural as my old style. However is it distracting me from progress in other areas? Must balance making more finished art with my other goals such as making that picture book dummy.  Part of the only so much time in the day dilemma.

On Self-promoting, I've been experimenting with putting up more art on my twitter feed. Yes it will get you more twitter followers etc. and it feels great when it gets LIKED and RTed.  It definitely builds your web presence as an illustrator. Not sure about actually landing you work. For that I still think getting out the postcards and submitting proposals etc. Next up old school postcards and submission packs. 

Hope your Year is as fun and surprising, in a good way, as a barrel full of Monkeys.

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Happy Groundhogs Day!

Groundhog Waltz © Diana Ting Delosh - Ink & watercolor  

HAPPY Groundhogs Day 2016!
I hope spring is on the way.
Hear that Groundhogs in the area? Do your happy dance and bring us an early spring.

Monday, February 1, 2016

Meet the Artist - Self Portrait

Meet the Artist - Self Portrait © Diana Ting Delosh - Brush Pen, indigo wash, Photoshop

I've been meaning to do a Meet the Artist style of self portrait ever since I started spying them online.  I believe some of the art reps were telling their illustrator clients to create these self-portraits, usually full figure, with their likes and dislikes. Ta -Dah! Here's my Meet the Artist, illustrated selfie.

I opted for a head shot and put in fat marker icons of what I like to draw. Originally I was going to write things like: likes animals, nature, chocolate and dislikes creepy crawly things, darkness, evil. Except that I LOVE monsters and murder and mayhem as long as it's all fictional and the good guys win in the end.

Not sure if you'd recognize me from this but it is me in spirit. Hey what can I say, I'm not a portrait artist.