
Welcome to my blog , The Hare Illustratère. I'll be posting about my art process and journey as an illustrator/author here.


Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Happy Groundhog's Day 2011

Groundhog Awakes!
© Diana Ting Delosh
ink & watercolor

It's been so brutally cold and snowy this winter that I want to believe in the power of groundhogs. According to news reports, Puxatawny Phil did not see his shadow which means spring will come early. YAY! Happy February 2nd -Groundhog's Day!

Tomorrow February 3rd is the start of Chinese New Year, The Year of the Rabbit. To celebrate I'll attempt to post a  rabbit illustration a day for the first 2 - weeks of the Chinese New Year. Having 14 bunny illos isn't a problem - after all I am the the Hare - it's the daily posting that may bamboozle me. That and the fact that I'll be on call for jury duty for part of this period. I guess I better plan ahead to post.

Fellow artists: I hope you'll join me by posting your own bunny images on your respective blogs. Let's make it a Hoppy 2011.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Judy Adamson's Art and Design blog: Guest Post by Illustrator/Author Diana Ting Delosh...

Recently I had the pleasure of being interviewed by my friend and fellow GCU and Zazzle artist, Judy Adamson. Please click on the link below to jump to her blog and read the interview.

Judy Adamson's Art and Design blog: Guest Post by Illustrator/Author Diana Ting Delosh...: "Our guest post this week is an 'email interview' with Diana Ting Delosh, illustrator and author, whose work I have very much admired ever s..."

Tuesday, January 18, 2011


© Diana Ting Delosh
ink & watercolor

Here's my illustration for this week's Illustration Friday prompt - CHICKEN. It's an oldie but it fits and it still makes me smile.

CHICK CHAT is my homage to my days as a production artist in what was then called the stable. I miss the comraderie of those days. I don't miss the insane deadlines but wait as a freelance/independent artist I still encounter insane deadlines. Originally this illustration was a design that I had submitted to  several greeting card companies that I freelanced for. They all passed on it - but I still believed in this design. Today you can find it as an Easter card in my store - greetingcarduniverse.com/dianascards

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Ta Dah! The Art Hare's Wares Blog Opening.

Grand opening - my new blog - THE ART HARE'S WARES. This blog will focus on my whimsical and elegant art  that is available for purchase in my:
• Card Store at greetingcarduniverse.com/dianascards
• Gift  Store at zazzle.com/deloshdesigns*
• Giclée Print Gallery at wingedrabbit.imagekind.com
As well as any other news of my art and writing when they're available in a retail way.

Having this other blog where I can feel free to hawk my wares will allow me to keep the focus in this blog on the creative journey/process. This way I won't be turning off the editor with my hawking and the fan looking to see if they can buy my art as a print won't be bored silly with my post about the submission process or tutorial about making a soft bound dummy or any of my other artsy interests. Different blog posts for different folks.

I'm hoping that having this other blog will help me to ramp up my promotion which will result in increased sales. And if this experiment in art sale promotion works  -I'll report it here.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011


Bunny Resolutions
© Diana Ting Delosh

Bunny's Resolutions for 2011 starts with number 1: To be hoppy. 
Here is my illustration for IllustrationFriday.

My resolutions for 2011 are a little less simplistic. 
I have decided to put the focus back on creating art/writing 
and submitting projects/samples on a regular basis. Of course  - I still have to continue to tweak, network and  all that stuff.

Here's wishing all a very 
and Prosperous

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Illustration Friday: Winter!

© Diana Ting Delosh
Ink & Watercolor

Br-r-r-r it's cold and blustery outside. Even the snowman is wearing a hat and scarf. Here's my entry for this weeks Illustration Friday prompt - Winter. Please visit my website.

I'm staying indoors away from all this wintry weather, making a list of things I want to try or do in 2011. One thing on the list is to post weekly if not more frequently on this blog. Another is to create more.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010


Ink & Watercolor
© Diana Ting Delosh

Just wanted to wish all a very Merry Christmas before I got tripped up by my own holiday preparations!

Friday, December 17, 2010

Illustration Friday: MAIL!

Post Office
Ink & Watercolor
© Diana Ting Delosh

Here's my illustration for this week's IF prompt: MAIL.

It's a busy day at the Greenhaven Post office. The clerks are doing their best but despite there best efforts there's quite a line forming. Can you spot my alter ego with an arm load of proposals and art samples to mail off to the publishers? 

Speaking of Mail, I better get cracking on my Christmas Cards or they'll be late! 

Seasons Greetings to All!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

YAY - I completed PiBoIdMo!

Yay I'm a PiBoIdMo 2010 winner and I can proudly display my badge for all to see. I came up with 31 Picture book ideas in November. The last one came to me right before the stroke of midnight on November 30th - but it's still right in there. Now I have to admit it was a bit of touch and go where I wasn't sure if I'd hang in as November was an extremely hectic month for me. Which is why I'm so happy to announce that I tried it and completed the challenge!

Interestingly some of my picture book ideas are things I'd want to research and write about but may not want to illustrate myself and there are of course a few that are based on characters I've doodled or are spin offs of my latest PB dummy and manuscript. I'm also happy that I jotted them down on index cards as now I can sort them by type: fiction, concept, non-fiction and further categorize them by whether I want to illustrate them or just write the manuscript. Hopefully all of this sorting will help me decide which will be my next project.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!

Turkey or Bald Eagle?
© Diana Ting Delosh
Bic® Pen sketch

Here's some food for thought. Did you know that Benjamin Franklin wanted the wild turkey to be the national bird? Which would you have voted for: Turkey or Eagle?  Did you know that the magnificent Bald eagle was once considered vermin?

Wishing all a  gobbling good Happy Thanksgiving! 

Friday, November 19, 2010

Illustration Friday: SNEAKY!

Groundhog Escapes! 
© Diana Ting Delosh - ink & watercolor

Here's my illustrations for this week's Illustration Friday prompt - SNEAKY!

Groundhog A.K.A. Puxatawny Phil is Sneaking out his window while his friends are at his front door. SNEAKY Groundhog. Rather than hibernating this winter he's planning on vacationing somewhere tropical. Where do you think he's off to? Where would you go if you were a groundhog? Why does he have to sneak away from his friends?

Hmm - this sounds like an idea for PiBoIdMo (30 Picture book ideas in 30 days in November) - here's my #17 out of 30. To find out more about PiBoIdMo you can click on the PiBoIdMo Badge in the righthand column or read my previous post by clicking here.

FYI -  Groundhog Escapes is available as a Giclee Print, Groundhog's Day Card and a Note Card.

Friday, November 12, 2010

30 Picture Book Ideas in 30 Days!

Came across this neat exercise via twitter and Yup - I've signed up to do PiBoIdMo - which stands for Picture Book Idea Month. The concept is to come up with 30 PB ideas in 30 days during the month of November. I've decided to use portable, handy index cards. 1 idea per card. Small enough so I won't feel threatened but big enough to put more thoughts if needed. They can be filled out whenever/wherever my muse strikes.  Which I've discovered is not as easy to coax out. So what Have I discovered to date from this exercise.

• Nothing get's done no matter how small unless you make time for it.

• I need to be unplugged from my computer and all things E - clear my mind and be quiet. And only then will I get an inkling of any idea.

• It's not as easy as I thought it would be. I find that I'm flipping through my cards to make sure I'm not repeating myself.

• I seem to have an easier time with my concept ideas than pure fiction ideas. With the fiction I mostly just have a premise where with most of the concept ideas I have an actual beginning, middle and end.

• Some ideas are very promising and others are amazingly blah... but I'm not going to throw out any cards until after November 30th!

• It's a lot of fun putting down the ideas on index cards.

So far I'm on target with 12 ideas in 12 days. At anyrate I figure it'll put me in a good position to have a new book dummy for my CBIG Review 2011. Next year my goal is to have my dummy done in time without loosing any sleep over it!

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Howling Halloween!

Wolfman and Wolfie
© Diana Ting Delosh
Med Point Bic® Pen Sketch

Wishing all a Howling Good Halloween!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

FREE Dragon Picnic Coloring Page

Dragon Picnic Coloring Page
© Diana Ting Delosh

This is my Coloring page activity art version of my Dragon Picnic art just for your amusement. Just Click on the image to enlarge and Print. Please note you have my permission to print it out for your personal or classroom use as long as you keep my copyright and URL info on the page. The purpose is to spread the word about my work as an artist/illustrator. You may not profit from this piece. Please do not abuse this offer. 
The Dragons and Magic CBIG Exhibition at the Jefferson Market Library in NYC (Avenue of the Americas near 10th St.) will end on Friday, October 29, 2010. The illustration exhibit featured art created by 18 CBIG members inspired by the children's books, The Reluctant Dragon by Kenneth Grahame and The Magic City by E. Nesbit.

If you're in the neighborhood please come by and enjoy the show. The framed originals are upstairs in the adult section on top of the book shelves. Look up and all around. You'll also find the kid friendly display in the Kid's Room - dupes of the art mounted on foam core.

Please see cbig-nyc.blogspot.com - look for posts titled/labeled Dragons and Magic during the September & October 2010. My Dragon Picnic is 1 of 18 illustrations in this group exhibit.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Illustration Friday: SPOOKY!

The Corpse Bride, Ball Point Pen © Diana Ting Delosh

Here comes the corpse bride all dressed in spider web white. Here's my  SPO-O-O-OOKY sketch illustration entry for this week's illustrationfriday.com prompt. Another not my usual style illos - but just having fun in my sketch book.

I find doodling things that you're not known or typecast for  a good way to break out of a creative rut.

To see what I'm known for go to: 

Friday, October 15, 2010

REJECTION! - A few Antidotes

Rejection is not something I like to deal with but as an illustrator/writer it is an unfortunate part of life. I have to admit that while it still hurts I have learned to not take it too personally. Sure I still sulk and OD on chocolate but after a bit I brush my ego off and am back in the game. After all the only way to  avoid  Rejection is to take yourself out of the game and that is not an option unless you're retiring. Here are a few of my antidotes in random order. If you are an illustrator or writer please feel free to comment on how you have dealt with rejection. Let's learn from each other.

1 - Submit more stuff pronto. Yup, sounds counterintuitive but this actually works. You don't have to submit the project that just got rejected right out -but submit something, anything ASAP. Everyone of your submissions represents hope. If you have a lot of submissions floating around out there it's more likely that something will come back accepted. Don't put all your dreams into one project submitted to only one company.

2 - Work on a new idea - even better fall in love with your new project. Keeps your mind on something positive and moving forward.

3. Focus on the process not the result. Make it into a game. Right now I'm challenging myself to submit something weekly. It can be an art sample pack, a poem to a kid's magazine or a Picture book dummy /manuscript proposal, whatever. The weekly question of "Who am I submitting to and what" keeps me moving and the checking off  - "Yay, I did it" helps give me a mental boost.  It also makes me realize that I need to create more things so it's easier to to submit weekly. Another challenge to try is: Submit 10 different projects to 10 different places in 10 weeks.

4. Plan for rejection. When you submit a project have a plan B. Research who else maybe interested in your project and have their info ready just incase you need it.

5.  Accept it when they say the style doesn't suit their needs at the moment. They didn't say you are a terrible person. They just were not into your work. Move on. Someone else may love your style.

6. Wallow in the  Rejection. When all else fails OD on the chocolates and hide under the blankets just set a time limit -an hour, a day or even 2. Allow yourself to feel sorry for yourself and your project, even shed a few tears - you're human - just remember to get back on track, ASAP.

7. Learn from your mistakes. Take a cold hard look at your proposal. Is there room for improvement?  Revise, fix as needed and send it out to your plan B.

8. Work on your craft. One day, you may be pleasantly horrified by some of your earlier rejected projects and agree with the editors.

9. Diversify. Learn new things. Keeps life interesting. Your writing may be selling at the moment but your illustration may not, but at least something is getting a positive response. This also allows you to submit to different markets.

10. Adapt. There maybe nothing wrong with your project. It could be something you can't help like the economy or the market. Be willing to repurpose your art. So the picture book market is down maybe adapt the story for an early reader or chapter book Or try working on art for an older market.

It should also be noted that in this day and age where many companies are no longer responding to submissions unless they are interested, a rejection at least is a concrete response. I personally find the lack of response more unnerving than a definite yay or nay.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Illustration Friday: TRANSPORTATION!

© DianaTing Delosh
Ink & Watercolor
Here's my illustration for this weeks Illustration Friday prompt: Transportation. 
It's a piece I had created for a client almost a year ago. It's different from my usual subject and it just goes to show that you never know where a job can transport you stylistically or subject wise. It's always good to stretch your boundaries and reach beyond your comfort zone.
Visit dianadelosh.com to find out more.
visit IllustrationFriday to join in on the weekly fun. 

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Illustration Friday: Proverb

Moi Fall Postcard © Diana Ting Delosh
A Picture is worth a thousand words.
I wasn't quite sure how  to handle this weeks Illustration Friday prompt hence why it's almost friday and here I'm posting at the last moment. I mean sure a proverb but there are so-o-o many? Finally decided that  as an illustrator the above proverb was quite fitting. Here's  my entry, a girl drawing a picture of her cat.

This IF post is a doing double duty as it is also going to be my Fall 2010 promo postcard. I wanted to use 1 of my recent people illos for the image as the last few postcards were all about my animals. I've been hemming & hawing between this one and another in my portfolio,  Boy & his Wolf. Wasn't sure about using this image for fall - thought it looked too summery. However earlier this week, while running errands, I noticed that all the garden shops were carrying fall blooming daisies. So I'm having daisies for fall too. Did I mention that  I'm partial to this one? Now the front of the postcard is done. Think I'll just use my stock back - return address and all my contact info. Now I just have to wait for my check that's in the mail or a good sale at Vistaprint.com to turn this into postcards. 

If only the proverb was A picture is worth a lot of moolah!

Friday, September 3, 2010

Illustration Friday: Dessert!

© Diana Ting Delosh
Ink & Waterolor

Come and get it! Here's my illos for  this week's Illustration Friday Prompt.
M-m-m-m-m yummy dessert. I just love dessert.

For more yummy art please visit my website.

Have a yummy Labor Day weekend!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Dragon on my Back

© Diana Ting Delosh

Whew finally got this dragon off my back and onto the paper. This illustration started out as a fun project but due to too many interruption, it just dragged on. So now it's finished and I'm not sure what to think of it. I'm happy enough with it to add it to my portfolio. I'm also glad that I have something to show for my efforts as this is my entry for the upcoming CBIG group exhibit; Dragon  & Magic, art inspired by the books, The Reluctant Dragon by Kenneth Grahame or The Magic City by E. Nesbit.

Needless to say my choice was The Reluctant Dragon. Really enjoyed the story about a peaceable poet of a dragon and the boy who befriends him. In this scene Dragon recites his latest poem to the boy as they snack on cheese and berries.

Do I love it? Don't know -  I'm just so glad it's finished and I can now move on to what's next on my list.

More on the exhibit in a future post.